domingo, junio 24, 2007


While waiting to the first morning bus to come back home, the day just showed up.
I love the moment when the streets lights are turned off because there's enough light in the street to see.
See the buildings there? I've showed you before here the Allianz one, and the one with the Corte Inglés on the top is from I took these photos... Have a great Sunday!

Esperando al primer autobús esta mañana para volver a casa después de una noche larga y divertida el día se presenta sigiloso. Me encanta ese momento en el que ya se apagan las farolas porque hay suficiente luz de día para ir andando por la calle.
¿Veis esos 2 edificios? El primero ya os lo enseñé antes, y el del Corte Inglés, es desde donde hice las fotos desde la 9ª planta (mira arriba el enlance). Pasad un buen día!


11 people want to say about...

At 24/6/07 18:59, Blogger JaamZIN said...

i love the warm colors of the comming evening...

At 24/6/07 19:11, Blogger Chuckeroon said...

Nice post. Yes, you are quite right. That time can be special.

At 24/6/07 20:18, Blogger Josy said...

Did you have a tripod? Or at least some surface on which to put your camera, right?

I love the orange lights against the lavender sky!

At 24/6/07 21:27, Blogger Mary.M.. (mi foto) said...

Me gusta esa luz nocturna le da un aire de película.
Venga, buena semana.

At 25/6/07 01:19, Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

I love the color.

At 25/6/07 01:38, Blogger GMG said...

Wow, la movida continua! What a long night young lady... Amazing that you were quite in good shape to take the photos... ;))
Have a nice week!

At 25/6/07 06:16, Blogger iBlowfish said...

Beautiful night shot!

At 25/6/07 08:50, Blogger Marc said...

Dsole, I hope you made it home save! :-)

I also like the moment when the new day arrives, although I have to say that I'd rather get up early than stay awake all night! :-)

At 25/6/07 09:19, Blogger Dsole said...

Josy, no tripod, I was sitting on the floor and snap the photo supporting my cam on my knees...

It's amazing Madrid's streets are full of people at any time!

Thank you all! Gracias!

At 26/6/07 00:29, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Buenísima la foto, Dsole :-) El colorido naranja contrastando con la luz del cielo amaneciendo, y la "fauna" de la Gran Vía a esas horas...Algún día haré un corto sobre la vida de los alrededores de esa calle en fin de semana, ¿te apuntas? :D.
Este momento que captas, el ideal para pillar el búho y volver a casa, más tarde me deprimo, soy algo vampira :-) Besitosss. Mª Eugenia

At 26/6/07 01:00, Blogger Fabrizio Zanelli said...

That's funny I was watching this stunning photo when I've got a comment from you in my blog :-) --- Well I love so much this photo and technique you said you used to get it (camera on kneees) !


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