Preciados street
This blue awning you see in the top of the buildings are to prevent high temperatures in the summer or to make more confortable your walk, and they are cool uh?
I'm sorry for not updating everyday, this week I have it pretty busy and don't stop at home but for sleep at night!
I'll try to catch you guys! And thank you for keep on coming everyday, your words are always very kind! :)
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La foto captura muy bien la naturaleza de esta calle. La fila de africanos vendiendo CDs me recuerda los vendedores callejeros cerca de Times Square en NYC.
Hi, Dsole. Sorry I haven't posted a comment in a while - very busy at work for me, too. I think I remember this street. The awnings really do help. I've see then in a few other cities with a hot summer climate. It must be terribly hot in Madrid by this time of year.
Hi Dsole, glad to see you back posting. Don't know how the awnings survive the rain... The weather has been quite weird!
Dsole, cuando tengas un minuto mira ésto (se trata de cómo sale tu nombre en el portal de City Daily Photo).
very interesting photo and caption
toutes les personnes assisent au milieu sont des vendeurs à la sauvette ? je te souhaite un bon weekend
do all the people assisent in the medium are salesmen on the run? I wish you a good weekend
No sé si es por mi afición a la zoología que siempre encuentro la similitud animal en el hombre, en este caso también, cuando viene la poli y salen todos corriendo me recuerda a esas escenas en las que aparece un león y las gacelas salen corriendo en grupo, si te fijas es la misma táctica, policías acorralando a los vendedores ilegales y ellos corriendo en grupo para despistar a la poli.
Desvaríos míos, es viernes y no doy para más
I like your photo and the narrative is interesting. We are getting a bit of much-needed rain here where I live and it has also cooled off.
I am back from my self-imposed vacation.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
It looks like a pretty cool place... Very interesting!
Great photo. That place looks like São Paulo's street. (São Paulo in Brazil, is my origin city)
Hola! How hot is it there now? We just got back to Canada last week from your very excellent city!
What are the illegal stuff sold? They look like necklaces or some kind of jewelries.
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