I like the detail at the end of the tip. Do you know Madrid was founded as Al-Matrit in IX century by Emir Mohamed I and was Muslim until XV century? Interesting...
Esta es la Mezquita de Madrid (o mejor dicho, parte de ella). Según he oído, es la segunda más grande de Europa... construída en 1992, toda de mármol blanco.
Me gusta el detalle del final de la punta ¿Sabíais que Madrid fue fundada por el Emir Mohamed I en el siglo IX y que continuó siendo musulmana hasta el siglo XV? Curioso ¿verdad?
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Muy interesante, Dsole, tanto la foto como el comentario. He oído de otras mezquitas que fueron construídas en ciudades occidentales en las últimas dos décadas.
Dsole - This is an important part of Spanish history that few Americans understand. The Moors were not finally pushed out of Spain until 1492, which all Americans know was the year Columbus "discovered" America, when Ferdinand and Isabella, "Los Reyes Catholicos," drove the young prince Boabdil from Granada. It was a decisive moment in European history, a great heave in the tug of war between Christianity and Islam. The Muslins were generally tolerant of Christians and Jews during their centuries of power in Spain. In their turn, the Catholics were completely intolerant of everyone else. Now, in the West, everyone has freedom of religion and conscience - up to a point.
St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog
elle est tres belle cette mosquée. A Evry nous avons l'une des plus grande mosquée d'europe avec un minaret.
Je te souhaite un bon weekend
it is very beautiful this mosque. In Evry we have one of the largest mosque of Europe with a minaret. I wish you a good weekend
Interesting photo. The narrative too.
Muy bien repasar la historia un poco.
La punta tambien me gusta mucho.
Buen finde.
Where in Madrid is this mosque? Can anyone go in?
I like the compositin of this picture very much!
Mosques offer interesting additions to the architecture of our cities, don't they.
I didn't know that about your history. Bob seems to have a lot of knowledge about Spanish history.
I've learned a lot about your history from this blog. Its been very interesting. The mosque must be beautiful all in whitemarble.
That's a lot of marble!
Thanks for the history refresher ;-)
White must gleam in the sun. The architecture is amazing.
Dsole, muy bonita la foto, pero hay un error en el texto.
Madrid fue reconquistada por los cristianos en el siglo XI por el Rey Alfonso VI.
Saludos y buen puente, si lo tienes, yo no snif
Después de leer mi comentario, parezco un pedante asqueroso ¿no?
jajaja, para nada, matritensis, está bien que se corrigan los errores.. ;)
Bob, i'm glad that you know such an important part of history! I'm surprised too :)
Piika, it's called the M-30 Mosque, because you can see it from this highway. It's in Barrio de la Concepcion Metro station, and you can go in. There is also an Arab restaurant.
yes that's a lot of marble! thank you for dropping by! :)
If this is the second biggest in Europe, do you know where the first is located?
Dsole - some years ago, my wife and I spent eight days driving around Andalusia. It made a big impression on me, particularly our visit Granada and the incomparable Alhambra. I was impressed by the story of Boabdil and the ostentatious tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella in the cathedral. That is when I learned this part of Spanish history. I know that the Reconquest took place gradually over many years but the expulsion of Boabdil and his court was the final stroke, wasn't it?
St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog
I think so, Bob, but I'm not sure now. I studied that some years ago.
Nathalie, the same question I asked myself, but I couldn't find the answer even in the net
built in all marble is very impressive!!! I am always impressed by the beautiful mosque all over the world - now, I will have to search for a mosque here - but we do not have anything this fancy!
The lines on this part of the building is truly beautiful. I am amazed it is all made of granite...quite a feat.
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