martes, mayo 29, 2007


Detail of the Fallen Angel Fountain base. Can you guess two sparrows in the photo? I only noticed them when I uploaded the photo into my computer!

Detalle de la base de la fuente del Ángel Caído. ¿Podeís distinguir los 2 gorriones? Sólo me percaté de ellos cuando cargué la foto en el ordenador!

Listening to Abrazado a la tristeza Extrechinato y Tú

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At 29/5/07 14:54, Blogger EMNM said...

¡Qué buena foto!
Sé que la parte más espectacular es la parte superior del monumento, pero a mí, la base es la que más me gusta, con esos demonios, es preciosa.
Este monumento se presta a un montón de historias, si fuesemos americanos ya tendríamos mil películas y la gente vendría de todo el mundo para hacerse una foto aquí, pero aquí no pasa eso, es una lástima.

At 29/5/07 15:30, Blogger isa said...

Well, if the sparrows are not scared, I won't be either ;-)

At 29/5/07 15:41, Blogger Dsole said...

ya te digo! Hay mucha gente que ni siquiera sabe de su existencia... una pena.

Isabella, sparrows also stay calm between the mouth of an alligator don't they? i guess they're not easy scare-able animals... ;)

At 29/5/07 15:48, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Nice photograph.

Yes, I see the sparrows. They are everywhere. I have them here too. I guess they must be cousins.

I didn't do much today but...

I did write about how people used to wear long underwear over winter or until we began to stink. You can find the link at the bottom of the post today.

Brookville Daily Photo

At 29/5/07 16:03, Blogger Gaëlle said...

This fountain is scary... but I like it !

At 29/5/07 18:05, Blogger alice said...

So, now I know that sparrows don't fear of dragons!

At 29/5/07 18:43, Blogger Nico said...

Hay que recordar lo bueno y lo malo. Es una pena que no sea famosa. La ultima vez que fui a madrid me di una vuelta y la fui a ver. Es muy bonita y la prueba de ello es q la gente pasea por delante de ella y ni se da cuenta de que esta dedicada a lucifer.

At 29/5/07 19:35, Blogger AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com said...

Dsole, ¿dinos que son? diablos, dragones, gargantuas... me gustan todos los chorros de agua en esta fuente.

At 29/5/07 19:47, Blogger Olivier said...

tres beaux details de la fontaine. ces diables sont superbes.

very beautiful details of the fountain. these devils are superb.

At 29/5/07 20:00, Blogger lv2scpbk said...

It's amazing sometimes what you don't notice while taking a photo and when developed you do. Nice photo.

At 29/5/07 21:51, Blogger Dsole said...

Rudy, no sabría muy bien explicartelo... son figuras fantásticas. A mí me gusta mucho todo el conjunto, es algo diferente, y muy potente.

Muchas gracias, muchas thank yous ;)

At 29/5/07 22:26, Anonymous Anónimo said...

I wouldn't have noticed them if you didn't mention them!

These gargoyles are creepy! Yikes! :)

At 29/5/07 22:43, Blogger Antona said...

Muy buena toma,muy nitida.Me gusta el punto de vista que impimes en tus imagenes,muy original

At 29/5/07 22:49, Blogger Carlos Lorenzo said...

Estas figuras son casi más espectaculares que el diablo. Es lo primero que llam la atención. Desde aquí se nota mejor el agua. Mejor así.

At 29/5/07 23:40, Blogger Carlos Lorenzo said...

Por cierto ya he colgado una en un set que pondré de Madrid. Saludos.

At 29/5/07 23:47, Blogger Gerald (SK14) said...

I love it when I discover things in photographs that I didn't realise were there when I took the photo!

At 29/5/07 23:57, Blogger GMG said...

Amazing, I don't remember ever notice this statue, and I've been strolling at Retiro for several times. I'm impressed with the sparrows staying calm at a fountain devoted to Lucifer...

At 30/5/07 04:32, Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

Incrível esta foto! Sim eu vi os pássaros que devem estar se refrescando com os borrifos da fonte.

At 30/5/07 04:43, Blogger photowannabe said...

Really scary fountian. The sparrows are sweet though.

At 30/5/07 06:27, Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

The fountain is absolutely beautiful!!

Your photo captured it very nicely.

At 30/5/07 09:12, Blogger Carraol said...

Excelente toma de estos bellisimos detalles, impresionante la fuente!

At 30/5/07 09:35, Blogger Lavenderlady said...

I'm glad you pointed them out...I might have missed them!

At 30/5/07 16:38, Blogger Monica said...

These faces of the fallen angel fountain are a bit scary. I think they show the dark side of the biblical figure.

At 11/6/07 22:53, Blogger JOAN GONZÁLEZ_MIRATGES said...

buena toma.




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