Rainy spring days
I'm trying my best, but it's hard, guys how can you make that everyday!?
Well, in Madrid these days it has been raining a lot (cats and dogs!) and when that happens the city becomes a nightmare, a chaos everywhere... I hope you had a wonderful week and have a great weekend! :)
Ya estoy aquí! Siento mucho todo este retraso con el blog, pero en serio, que no ha sido posible publicar ni un solo día! Estoy intentándolo de veras, pero es complicado, ¿cómo lo haceís vosotros?
Bueno, estos días en Madrid está haciendo malísimo, diluviando, muy mal tiempo, y la ciudad se vuelve un caos con tanta agua... Espero que hayais tenido una buena semana y que tengaís un super finde! :)
Listening to Chambao Pokito a poko
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Stay dry and enjoy your weekend, anyway!
I imagine with all the museums, good cafes and good friends, the rainy days in Madrid are fun too!
Hi Dsole,
what's happening? In Lisbon today we had the wettest day of the whole winter! Couldn't believe: in Spain trains stopped, floods everywhere in the south... in Lisbon rain, rain rain... On May 25th: it doesn't make any sense...
Enjoy the week-end; stay inside! :))
Sun is shining here now, but it has been rainy here, too. Enjoy your week-end.
¿Malísimo? pues yo estoy encantado con la lluvia, tendría que estar así hasta octubre!!
Que llueva que llueva la virgen de la cuueeeeva...
Buen finde
Hace casi una semana que no publicaba, por falta de tiempo, parece que ahora no hay problemas.
Con tanta lluvia acabaremos todos como ranas en un gran estanque. :)
Feliz finde.
Llueeeeveee, detrás de los cristales llueeeeve y llueeeve, sobre los chopos medio deshojados... Eso es lo que me trajo a la mente tu foto :).
Que mejore el tiempo pronto!
Hi Dsole, welcome back! :-)
This looks like typical Hamburg weather! ;-)
All the best from Hamburg,
>how can you make that everyday
For stockholmdailyphoto we're four contributors plus a guest once in a while. That makes the task a whole lot easier. I don't think anyone of us would have managed this by himself.
Ah, so that's where our rain is coming from!
Only you could make rain look as good as it does in the photo ;-)
I know what you mean about problems with posting every day. My saving grace is sometimes I get a lot of really good pictures. Then with Wordpress I can do the uploading and time stamp them where they automaticly come up on the day I choose. I will be gone on a quilting retreat from May 30th through June 2nd. I couldn't do it with out word press and my brother Denton hosting my site..
frankly, i love rain in the evening in summer!
to post everyday is really a big task. In the morning i think of what to write while in the evening, what to post the next..ai yai yai ...its getting to be a chore for me
I am glad i am not the only one having difficulty posting every day!!!! Reading this and seeing the rain made me very happy =)
I love ur blog and I hope even though u cannot post every day, u will post now and then!!! I jus watched a travel show by rick Steves about spain - lovely!
maybe because you took it with mobilephone (did you?) it looks so alive!
Querida Dsole, no sé si pueda perdonarte estos tres largos días de ausencia. ¿Qué te has creído, he? Qué no más te puedes ir, así no más, sin avisar y dejarnos totalmente descuidados. ¡Tía, eres cruel!
I am glad you are back. Where you did go?
Saludos Dsole, aun con lluvia me gusta tu foto, siempre es un reto fotografiar con este tiempo, o proteges la camara o pescas un resfriado. Con todas las actividades cotidianas de cada uno de nosotros es una verdadera disciplina subir la foto del dia, me dio risa leer un comentario de alguien de la comunidad diciendo que nunca en su vida habia dormido tan pocas horas, me pasa lo mismo, se necesitaria mucho mas tiempo para visitar todos los otros blogs y es una verdadera pena no hacerlo.
I always like rain, during the night when I am not going out anymore. It cools down the hot weather in Asia. hehe..
I know what you mean about posting everyday! Since I have twelve blogs, it really is challenging...and for some blogs, I am very slow to post! :-)
However....when I start traveling again, the challenges will no doubt be much greater!
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