lunes, agosto 13, 2007


Fancy a ride?

¿Un paseíto?

Listening to Road trippin' The Red Hot Chillie Peppers

6 people want to say about...

At 13/8/07 21:56, Blogger Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Y siguen levantando torres por doquier. Como sigamos así, en unos veinte años, todas las ciudades del mundo van a lucir igual! (Aquí se usan las mismas barricadas (?) de sonido en las autopistas).

Que sigas bien.

At 14/8/07 19:47, Blogger Gerald (SK14) said...

beautiful curves but I'd rather have a ride in the country.

At 14/8/07 21:04, Blogger Dsole said...

Hyde, I know, you're right! the landscape is better indeed

Fénix, es una pasada, aquí en Madrid no había edificios tan altos aun.... lo del sonido de la carretera yo lo llamaría panel o algo así jajaja, aquí suelen estar llenos de graffiti

At 14/8/07 21:43, Blogger GMG said...

What and where are those towers? They're being built now? Great ride! Have a nice holiday!

At 15/8/07 02:06, Blogger Annie said...

I'd ride along to listen to the Red Hot Chile Peppers with you - and you could help me "fry and egg" on the car when we reach our destination.

That color of yellow IS the color of the egg yolks we have in the states. What color are yours?

At 16/8/07 16:53, Anonymous Anónimo said...

The shot really have a classic look and feeling...will surely be enjoyable driving along this road...a very well captured shot!


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