domingo, julio 15, 2007

A worldwide famous M

The ocio-area of the shopping centre is full of fast-food restaurants that I guess you can find all over the world... Sometimes I wonder if that is a positive fact or not... I think it's a real sign of "globalization". Maybe in a future we eat always the same in no matter where you are!
(By the way, next to McDonals is a chain of hairdress) (So maybe we cut our hair in the same way too!) ;)

La zona de ocio del centro comercial está llena de restaurantes de comida rápida que imagino se encontrarán en casi cualquier parte del mundo. A veces me pregunto si esto es algo positivo o no... pienso que es un signo inequívoco de la globalización que estamos viviendo. En un futuro puede ser que acabemos comiendo siempre igual sin importar el país dónde vivas... (por cierto, al lado de McDonals hay una cadena de peluquerías... asi que probablemente también todos nos cortemos el pelo de la misma forma!) ;)

Listening to Henry Mancini The pink panther theme


11 people want to say about...

At 15/7/07 15:07, Blogger lv2scpbk said...

McDonalds seems to be everywhere.

At 15/7/07 15:14, Blogger Mary.M.. (mi foto) said...

Prefiero un buen plato de paella y si vas de rapido, donde esté un bocata de jamón que se quiten estos inventos yanquis.
He dicho jjjj.

At 15/7/07 15:33, Blogger Chuckeroon said...

A challenging thought. But I do not think it will go that way. People like difference. (Hey...I've just noticed what looks like a swift (or swallow, but I think it's a swift) flying high in yesterday's picture....did you spot it? Nice!)

At 15/7/07 21:03, Blogger Dsole said...

Chuck it's like a gaviota... I don't know the english word... and yes I did notice. It fits really well there!

Thank you guys :)
Yo tambén prefiero la paella, mifoto!

At 15/7/07 23:12, Blogger Lilly said...

I can't say that I am a fan of these chain stores/ shops/ businesses. There is a story that McDonalds wanted to open in Tuzla as well, but our mayor said no as it would kill the local businesses. I don't know if that story is really true, but I'd like to think that it is and I'm strangely proud of the fact that my town still doesn't have one of these.

At 15/7/07 23:47, Blogger photowannabe said...

Yes mcDonalds does seem to be a world wide phenomenon.
To answer your question on my blog, I was refering to the post before this one which showed the rocket on the ground after they were finished with it.(which looked like it had crash landed.
Really nothing bad happened. Everyone had a wonderful time.

At 16/7/07 06:56, Blogger Olivier said...

personnellement je n'aime pas les fast-food, je prefere prendre un bon sandwich dans un café

personally I do not like the fast-food, I prefer to take a good sandwich in a coffee

At 16/7/07 10:05, Blogger GMG said...

Well, sometimes it's good to have something familiar when you are abroad in an unknown place; personally, however, I would prefer something different than a fast food chain, but must confess that this particular M helped to overpass the strange feelings my 8 year old daughter had when she first went abroad and landed in Singapore...
Anyhow, don't think that we'll all be eating the same, but most probably we'll all have access to the same (franchise), which may be slightly different! By the way, the "peluqueria" was it Jean Louis David?

At 16/7/07 13:23, Blogger Anna said...

McDonalds are everywhere unfortunately!! I love your blog!! I'd love to visit Madrid sometime. A few years ago I was in Andalucia for a couple of weeks but I didn't make it to Madrid. Your blog helps me to see the city even from far away, THANKS!

At 16/7/07 15:37, Blogger Ash said...


At 16/7/07 15:55, Blogger MedaM said...

There are so many fast-food restaurants in my city but there is no McDonalds.


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