miércoles, julio 11, 2007

again and again

Again and again this is what I see everyday from my car when I'm going to work. Always this red light and purple flowers and the blue signal... Have you seen Groundhog Day movie? I guess it's something like that! ;)

Una y otra vez, esto es lo que veo todas las mañánas desde mi coche de camino al trabajo. Siempre este semáforo en rojo, siempre las flores moradas a la izquierda y la señal azul... ¿Habeís visto la película de Atrapado en el tiempo? Pues podría ser algo así... ;)

Listening to PJ Harvey Big exit


15 people want to say about...

At 11/7/07 12:15, Anonymous Anónimo said...

This is your traffic light? No yellow? It is totally different from those we have that hang over the road on cables so the traffic light is in front of your car.


At 11/7/07 16:51, Blogger Annie said...

It looks like lavender. Does it smell like heaven?

At 11/7/07 18:18, Blogger Olivier said...

j'adore la lavande, cela me rappelle mon village de Dordogne où il y a des champs entier de lavande

I adore the lavender, that points out my village of the Dordogne to me where there are fields entirety of lavender

At 12/7/07 02:16, Blogger GMG said...

I also took another weekend on the beach in Algarve and was too lazy to carry a laptop to post or comment... So, as you're out also, I didn't loose much...
Could it be lavender? Provence in Madrid? Quite unlikely... ;)

At 12/7/07 02:57, Blogger Dustin said...

Beautiful flowers! But I guess not so beautiful after the 10,000th time you see them. I know what you mean about repeating the same drive to work each day. Sometimes I drive to work and dont remember anything about the drive. I kinda zone out and before I know it I'm parking the car. weird!

Anyway, nice pic.

Flagstaff Photoblog

At 12/7/07 03:33, Blogger photowannabe said...

Well at least when you go around and around, day after day you will have a lovely fragrance to meet you. pretty picture.

At 12/7/07 08:47, Blogger jb said...

Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

At 12/7/07 08:49, Blogger jb said...

"A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

At 13/7/07 04:40, Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

You have a very pleasant routine!
Just beautiful route!

At 13/7/07 11:16, Blogger kuanyin333 said...

Yes, it's the beautiful simplicity and common features that bring so much joy to our lives.

At 13/7/07 20:07, Blogger Renzo said...

Confunde un poco tus palabras...
Estas aburrido de lo mismo?
De todas maneras luce muy bien...
Saludos y gracias por las fotos.

At 13/7/07 20:08, Blogger Dsole said...

Ab, yes there is also a yellow light between red a green but in this little traffic light there's only red and green! I hope you don't get confused! ;)

Jb I'm totally with you!

Thank you always for your visits! :)

At 13/7/07 20:10, Blogger Dsole said...

Renzo... a veces ver siempre lo mismo puede resultar aburrido no crees? Pero todo depende del día...

At 14/7/07 16:26, Blogger Monica said...

I say you're lucky to see that everyday, it's lovely. Are the flowers lavander? Looks like it.

I saw Groundhog Day, it's one of my favourite movies, very clever and funny!

At 14/7/07 21:45, Blogger Chris said...

It's much prettier than the traffic lights I always seem to get stuck at & if that's lavender then just open your window & breathe deep!
Love Big Exit - one of my favourite songs.


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