Red on July 1st theme day
Hoy el tema común es el ROJO. Y rojo es mi cochecito, asi que la foto la tenía más o menos fácil no?
Listening to Celtas Cortos 20 de Abril
Today's theme day is red and there is a lot of DP bloggers participating... take a look at their sites here:
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Etiquetas: theme day
43 people want to say about...
Now, when I come to Madrid, I'll know your car! Great idea.
so you drive a little red car then
how lovely Dsole.
i love it, i could seem my car like that (although mine is dark blue by chance, not intentionally).
have a lovely red sunday =)
Nice shot.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Red car with a little white flower. I can picture you now, tooling through Madrid in it. :-)
Dsole, Clever idea. When I saw it on the portal, I tried to guess what it is: wallpaper, bathtub decal, fabric. But the reality is even better; I've always wanted a red car, especially a sports car. Oh, well!!
haha i thot it was a bathtub decal also ;)...but hey i love red car too!
I've seen this decal somewhere on something. I thought it was on an advertisment before. Just can't place it. Anyway, nice shot.
Is your car new VW beetle?
Red car! With a cute flower sticker on it! What a brilliant idea! I wished I had a red car too. But it's a silver. Imagine speed in a red car, perhaps a racing car, how awesome it is! :p
Adorable! Now we need a picture of the whole car ;-)
a flower sticker on a Ferrari :-) ?
I've always wanted a red car, but mine is green...:-( One day, one day!
Snap. That makes a statement all the way in the back of your eyes. Good post.
I hacked the "virtual porch" today on New Orleans Daily Photo
A red car with a cute! I'm guessing it's a VW Beetle..
nice has been previuosly guessed, am guessing it's a red beetle too
c'est tres poetique, j'adore cette idee et cette simplicité. Bravo
it is very poetic, I adore this idea and this simplicity. Cheer
I had no idea what it was until I read your post...great idea!
Looks very cute. Daisies are my favourite flower!
Beautiful in its simplicity!
"Flower Power!" as they used to say back in the days of the hippies.
Very optimistic picture :)
And how we know how to spot your car!
great idea and very bright
Beautiful - I love it! I have a classic Wisconsin rural scene for Theme Day today.
Cute photo, excellent idea for the theme day.
Red car with a flower sticker! Thanks, I'll take care...
Just kidding! ;))
Had a weekend with a favourite sport: sea watching!'s not a VW Beetle but a 15 years old Nissan Micra!! hehehe
I had a lot of fun in this red the day!
Thank you everyone for your funny comments! ;)
love it, love it, love it and love it ! :-)
thank you fabrizio!! :)
What a bright, bold, and fun photo!
HA! I love it! The flower is very psychedelic like cartoons from the early 1970s.
En la foto vez dulces de semillas de calabaza, muy semejantes a mazapan de cahuate pero un poo mas humedo. Son deliciosamente dulces todos tinen el mismo sabor.
Todavia es domingo para mi, y ya esta la foto de lunes, que rapido pasa el tiempo, a pesar de ser un mundo cada vez mas pequeño.
Absolutely adorable :)
As Isabella said, I want to see the whole car :)
Very funny post, and we now know how to recognise your car if we come to Madrid.
I also looked back at your previous posts, your trees of a couple of days ago are amazing, they look like bonzais!
Do you call your car Daisy too?
hehehe, not really gail's man.
I have to say that here is pretty common seeing those stickers... so maybe if you see one of those it's not my car! ;)
Thank you guys!
Rojo, ahora sí que podré reconocer tu coche cuando vaya a Madrid... te buscaré, el coche rojo con la florecita. ;-)
enpoPj Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
2WNHi8 Please write anything else!
Jvm3P5 Please write anything else!
TDfLO7 Please write anything else!
This looks nice! Where do I get a daisy decal like that? Love it!
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