miércoles, febrero 14, 2007

UAM bye bye...

Maybe you won't believe me but this is "Universidad Autónoma de Madrid" (UAM), one of the main universities of Madrid and where I did spend my last years studying. It's a nice campus 15 km far away from the city with lots of opening spaces and differents schools where you can study Chemistry, Biology, Psicology, Physics, several Philologys, etc. There are also important scientific institutions like National Centre of Biotechnology and Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre. I have lots of nice memories of this years... Can't believe I've finished there!

Oh! I almost forgot! Happy Valentine's day if you are of those people... or happy whatever day if you're like me... ;)

Aunque no tenga mucha pinta de ello, este es el campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, una de las principales universidades de Madrid, y donde pasé estos últimos años estudiando. Está a unos 15 km de la ciudad, tiene un montón de espacios abiertos, y allí encuentras distintas facultades donde puedes estudiar Biología, Química, Física, varias Filologías, etc.. También hay importantes instituciones científicas que colaboran con la universidad como el Centro Nacional de Biotecnología y el Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. Guardo miles de agradables recuerdos de todos estos años... no puedo creer que haya terminado esa etapa ya.

Listening to Counting Crows Mr. Jones

12 people want to say about...

At 14/2/07 03:37, Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Beautiful university campus.

At 14/2/07 06:20, Blogger Olivier said...

Je passe souvent devant mon ancien lycée, et cela aussi me fait tout drole.
Je te souhaite une bonne st valentin

I often pass in front of my old college, and that to also does all me drole. I wish you good St Valentine

At 14/2/07 06:36, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Estimada Dsole:

En Mexico tamien tenmos una UAM dividida en vrios campus se llama "Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana". No se mucho de ella pero tienen caareas semejantes a la de la tuya.


Proximo paso ¿el doctorado? ¿o que?


At 14/2/07 08:26, Blogger Meg said...

And a happy one to you, too.

At 14/2/07 15:30, Blogger Keropokman said...

Happy V Day!

So.... what did you graduate with?

At 14/2/07 17:16, Blogger The Wellspring said...

I saw the "bye bye" in your title and thought you were retiring from the DP - so glad that's not the case as I so enjoy your photos!

Happy Day from Quito :)


At 14/2/07 17:29, Blogger GiuCe said...

Son etapas de la vida... con nostalgia cerramos puertas y con espectativa y alegría abrimos otras :)

Felicidades por ello!!!

At 14/2/07 18:01, Blogger Dsole said...

Keropok, I've studied Biochemistry.

Poly, ahora estoy esperando a ver si me conceden una beca para empezar el doctorado aquí en Madrid. Crucemos los dedos!

And no, I'm not leaving Mdrid DP.. yet. Nowadays I have time to do it everyday ;)

Thank u all, your comments here really make me glad :)

At 14/2/07 18:23, Blogger photowannabe said...

I'm glad you aren't going too. I have so enjoyed all of your posts and would hate to say good bye.

At 14/2/07 23:49, Blogger angela said...

University days; they were the best.
Glad you're not leaving.

At 16/2/07 12:09, Blogger MumbaiiteAnu said...

Yeah, they are the best days of our life. Nice picture. And checked the UAM link, your University is really a very beautiful place.

At 17/2/07 22:28, Blogger Kala said...

Its nice to see open spaces on campus, when I travel, I like to visit the various universities in the area. Are you planning to do any further studies? Biochemistry is an interesting field. I am hoping to get an advanced degree in Physiology


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