National Library
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So here it is the National Library, as Marc from Hamburg asked me to photograph some time ago... This is an huge building placed next to Colón Square and where you can find too The Archaelogical Museum. It was opened after 30 years of construction in 1896, even the first collection of manuscripts, books etc, begun in 1711 in an smaller building by king Felipe V. Nowadays there are lots of activities like exhibitions of art inside of it, and there is a huge collection of non-only books, but engravings, drawings, posters and photographs.
Have a nice week-end!
Bueno, pues aquí vemos la Biblioteca Nacional, como Marc de Hamburgo, me pidió que fotografiara hace ya un tiempo... Este gran edificio está situado al lado de la Plaza de Colón y comparte sitio con el Museo Arqueológico. Abrió al público después de 30 años de obras en el 1896, aunque fue fundada en 1711 en otro edificio más pequeño por el Rey Felipe V. En la actualidad no sólo dispone de un catálogo inmenso de libros sino que tiene una gran colección de grabados, dibujos, carteles y fotografías.
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12 people want to say about...
Already a staircase of this ceremonious building gives a respectful impression, my point is,
people have always respected books, knowledge in them and those, who write books.Give a thought to a library of Alexandria in Egypt or another library in Ephesus in old Greece, now in Turkey and so on. If we could keep in our hands those books . . .
it looks really huge and imposing!
the singapore library is totally different, it bright and futuristic looking.
ye i se it ^^ ..this is impresive....huge building and clasic...i liket it the library from constanta it`s futuristic too :)...
I grab my book and meet you there.:)Stunning building. Nice weekend Dsole...
Very impressive indeed. Love the statues of scholars/writers (??) at the entrance.
Thank u guys for your nice comments!
The decoration in the front of the building is made up of 6 estatues and 11 medallones. In the photograph we can see the statues of San Isidoro (behind the light post, damm it!) and king Alfonso X el Sabio. The sculptures next to the door are from left to right, Antonio de Nebrija, Luis Vives, Lope de Vega y Cervantes.
;) I'm learning a lot about my city with this kind os post!
Magestic building!
Yes, it looks as if it should be a library. It is imposing.
beautiful building! impressive details of architecture ^^
...gracias por tu saludo! ^^
Impressive architecture & great post!
I hope to visit la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid someday. In the mean time, thanks for showing it to us.
Bunea información y aun mejor la preciosa arquitectura.
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