viernes, abril 06, 2007

Price Circus Theatre

I know this isn´t a good photo but look at the building carefully, it seems to be an office buiding or a museum but that´s a… circus!!!!! after years of waiting Madrid has its own stable circus. Every winters a big circus used to come to Las Ventas (bullring) but now we can enjoy circus show at any time. And the best thing (I think so but I´m not sure) is that here there isn´t any animal like lions, elephants or chimpanzees. I think wild animals must live free and not in a circus, that´s too cruel. Don´t you think??

Sé que esta no es una Buena foto pero quiero que os fijéis en el edificio, parecen unas oficinas o un museo pero es…¡¡un circo!! Después de años de espera Madrid vuelve a tener un circo estable. Todos los inviernos solía venir un enorme circo a la plaza de las Ventas pero ahora tendremos uno todo los días del año. Lo mejor de todo (aunque no estoy seguro del todo) es que en este circo no hay animales salvajes como leones o elefantes, creo que eso está muy bien, los animales salvajes deberían vivir libres y no encadenados en un circo. ¿No creéis?

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At 6/4/07 12:58, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Wildlife should live free. Putting animals behind bars should be reserved for criminal human beings. I think.

I like your photograph and the story was interesting too.

Brookville Daily Photo

At 6/4/07 13:12, Blogger nacho24 said...

abraham lincoln:I totally agree with you!! Thanks you for your visits!!;)

At 6/4/07 13:52, Blogger Chuckeroon said...

Greetings and Happy Easter, D.....Ah, we sure that it's an animal circus. Perhaps it's an office, but the actvity inside remains a "circus". In my experience office life was an unending circus!!! I was never sure who was playing the clown, and who the ring master.

At 6/4/07 14:30, Anonymous Anónimo said...

this looks like it's somewhere near the subway Anton Martin.....

At 6/4/07 16:38, Blogger Olivier said...

je suis d'accord avec toi sur un point, les animaux doivent vivre en liberté. Mais sans les zoos et certains cirques, beaucoup de races auraient disparues.
Je te souhaite un bon weekend de pâques

I agree with you on a point, the animals must live in freedom. But without the zoos and certain circuses, much from races would have disappeared. I wish you a good weekend of Easter

At 6/4/07 17:40, Blogger nacho24 said...

chuckeroon: jajajaja i agree, there are a lot of clowns everywhere!!!

piika: yes, circus is placed in front of Reina Sofía Museum, near Atocha and not too long from your hostal...jejeje. By the way,hostal edreira has a very good reputation. We have more information and a photo if you want to know more write me,ok?(my mail:

olivier: thank you, but we have a very very rainy weekend...:(

At 6/4/07 22:17, Blogger ~tanty~ said...

Agree with you eventhough those animals are cute when they are in action at the circus :)

At 7/4/07 01:20, Blogger Annie said...

What animals are living there, Dsole? Are they the typically domesticated sort?


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