miércoles, enero 31, 2007

Todo a 100

That's a corner in some street in Barrio del Pilar. I get flashed about the brighter yellow and orange adverstiment... I wonder if that has its own light in the dark... ^^ And the next shop it's what we used to call "todo a 100" (all from 100) but when the euro arrived it changed to "todo a 0.60" (100 ptas = 0.60 euro) This is the kind of made-in-China shop where you'll find everything... it's usually very cheap but, be carefull, cheapest things don't go far!

Esta es una esquina de una calle en el Barrio del Pilar. Todos estos carteles amarillos y naranjas fluorescentes cegaron mi vista cuando paseaba.. Me pregunto si por la noche brillarán... Y la tienda de al lado es lo que conocemos como un "todo a 100" aunque desde que llegó el euro pasó a llamarse "todo a 0.60". Es la típica tienda made in china en la que puedes comprar de todo y a bajo precio, pero cuidado! las cosas baratas no suelen durar mucho!

Listening to Hole Miss world


13 people want to say about...

At 31/1/07 03:36, Blogger Annie said...

These stores are called "dollar stores" here. They sell everything for $1.00. Of course, some things really should sell for much less!

At 31/1/07 04:14, Blogger Edulabbe said...

En Santiago también hay varias tiendas "Todo a $1000).
Y tienes razón, la calidad deja mucho que desear!

At 31/1/07 05:43, Anonymous Anónimo said...

In Romania this stores sell everything with 3 dolars :)and i never buy something from there :D

At 31/1/07 06:27, Blogger Dave said...

Dollar stores (or .60 euro stores)are a good time!!! You never know what you are going to find.

At 31/1/07 07:20, Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

HA! I guess the 99 cent store concept is everywhere. :-)

The 99 cent store in my neighborhood sells Perrier and Pellagrino water (750 ml) for US$1.39. Yes, I know...that is more than 99 cent. I guess they broke the rule but that is where I get my Perrier and Pellagrino. :-)

At 31/1/07 08:55, Blogger photowannabe said...

Our dollar store has great things for party goods and prizes for games. Sometimes one spends too much there because its a "bargin"

At 31/1/07 08:59, Blogger Ame said...

Hey Dsole! I posted our "dollar store" awhile back, Big Lots! Funny! ;)

And WOW! I see what you mean about those NEON colors...I bet they DO glow in the dark! LOL!

Have a good one!

At 31/1/07 10:41, Blogger Carraol said...

El concepto esta extendido en todas partes, desafortunadamente venden cosas innecesarias o de nula calidad, por lo menos las que se conocen por estos rumbos. Buena recomendacion.

At 31/1/07 12:36, Blogger Oya said...

Hi again. We have here in Istanbul too, more named like 1 Dollar shops. Yes, lots of colors inside but no quality. That's ok. It is fun to walk around though...

At 31/1/07 12:52, Blogger césar said...

has visto el despacho tan mono que tienen los de avia en la parte de arriba? Si pasas por la noche como está todo acristalado parece un gran hermano del oficinista. A mi me resulta muy curioso.
Un beso dsole, fotógrafa incansable de lo resaltable de lo cotidiano!!!!

At 31/1/07 13:47, Blogger Mandi said...

Those colours are very bright. Great photo and interesting write up.

At 31/1/07 16:39, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Perfect shop to me! :)

At 31/1/07 19:25, Blogger Olivier said...

tres bon post, en France on avait le tout à 10 francs, cela donnerait le tout à 1.52 Euros, donc c'est passe au tout à 2 euros....

very good post, in France one had the whole with 10 frank, that would give the whole to 1.52 Euros, therefore it is master key with the whole with 2 euros….


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