martes, enero 16, 2007

Paseo de la Castellana

This is not the best shot ever showed of Paseo de la Castella, but it's ok for me to explain that here is the truely main street of Madrid. It's like the backbone of the city, starting at the northest and finish at the south, it passes throu modern Madrid (Azca, bussines area) and classic and elegant one, so it's a great experience driving by to see all these places (if there's no traffic-jam as well!)

Seguramente esta no sea la mejor foto del Paseo de la Castellana pero a mí me vale para explicar que es la calle verdaderamente más importante de Madrid, como la espina dorsal de la ciudad, que la atraviesa de norte a sur, pasando por el Madrid más moderno y por el más clásico y elegante; por lo que conducir por ella puede ser una grata experiencia... si no es en hora punta! :)

Listening to Tiza 28 letras


7 people want to say about...

At 16/1/07 02:08, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Really nice photo -- love the lights, the outline of the buildings, and the sky most of all! :)

At 16/1/07 08:26, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Was this taken at sunset? Great city photo.

At 16/1/07 16:21, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Beautiful colors of the sunset and surrounding buildings. And I love that the road is in the middle.

At 16/1/07 20:15, Anonymous Anónimo said...

The colors are wonderful! Perfect! Nice photo, looks like scenic !

At 16/1/07 23:33, Blogger Dsole said...

Oh yes, it was taken at sunset :)

At 17/1/07 15:07, Anonymous Anónimo said...

What a lovely photo. I love that the road is right in the middle too.
Great atmosphere.

At 17/1/07 21:07, Anonymous Anónimo said...

I love this photo. Very beautiful and nice. I love cities. They make me feel comfortable.

Also I love how you do your posts in two languages. That is freaking awesome. I wish I knew two languages. LOL


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