jueves, diciembre 21, 2006

4 towers

And here it is the new Madrid ARENA complex. Where it used to be the Real Madrid' Ciudad Deportiva now there are 4 huge towers which will be the higest buildings of Madrid. I really don't know if i like them because I can see them form anyplace of my neinborhood, think I'm gonna get use to it. Anyway, they're impressionant, aren't they?

Y aquí vemos lo que será el complejo Madrid ARENA. Donde antes estaba la Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid, ahora se levantan 4 torres enormes que serán los edificios mas altos de la ciudad. Aun no sé si me gustan porque puedo verlas desde cualquier zona de mi barrio, tendré que acostumbrarme a este nuevo paisaje. De todas formas, hay que admitir que son impresionantes ¿eh?

There's one blog with lots of photos about this, if you want to know more... aquí

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At 21/12/06 17:30, Anonymous Anónimo said...

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At 23/12/06 07:37, Blogger Kekiinani said...

WOW that is a lot of new construction going on. We have lots of new tall buildings (condos) being built her as well.
Thanks for your comment on my blog
Renee :)


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