miércoles, diciembre 20, 2006


Lavapiés, this is one of the more "castizos" (pure) neighborhood of Madrid. My granma was born here! But nowadays it's full of foreign people, and because of that you can go and have dinner in a big variety of exotic restaurants. But there are lots of problems too about security and this kind of things, even that, if you take care of your self, I think you must go there and take a look to all these places!

Lavapiés, uno de los barrios más castizos de Madrid. Mi abuela nació allí!
Actualmente, la mayoria de la gente que vive por allí es extranjera, y gracias a esto podemos disfrutar de una amplia variedad de locales exóticos y probar nuevos sabores por un módico precio! Sin embargo es un barrio algo conflictivo y hay ciertos problemas de seguridad, asi que es recomendable ir con los ojos bien abiertos, pero ante todo, es muy recomendable ir por alli!

Hasta mañana!


4 people want to say about...

At 20/12/06 14:41, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hola, me encanta que habeis vuelto...
cuantos más modos de ver más rica la prespectiva que ofrecemos de Madrid...

un saludo


At 20/12/06 15:05, Anonymous Anónimo said...

hola...si coincidimos con lavapies.....sigue buscando.... para mi no es una coincidencia..es un poco mi laboratorio estable. me interesan tus laboratorios, cuales son tus preferidos?

At 20/12/06 21:02, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Lovely photo. Tell me about the security thing - is it street robbery, handbags, wallets you are talking of, or violence? It looks beautiful.

At 21/12/06 11:03, Blogger Dsole said...

Hi everybody and thanks for your comments!
In Lavapiés I think there are some problems because the people who stay in this place (maybe homeless), they're drinking all the time, some times there are fights, sometimes there are street robbery as you say. But anyway it's a place to visit because has something special!


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